Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Scouts Standard : Advanced Drills

You will need to master to execute as a squad these following commands.

1) Ke-Kanan Lu-rus - meaning Right dress.
2) Keluar Baris - meaning Come out of squad.
3) Besu-rai - meaning Come out of contingent (End of assembly).
4) Sizing up command (broken into parts for learning purposes).

1)The following video below shows the " Ke-Kanan Lu-rus command" and "Keluar Baris command" as given by SPL Marcus Tan(2010).

Command : Squad watch your front, sedi-a!

Timer : Check! (Bang)

Command:Squad Ke-Kanan Lu-rus!

Timer: Up (Tilt head to right) Check! (Bang) 5,4,3,2,1 Skuad Diam!

Command : Pandang ke-hadapan pan-dang!

Timer: Up (head face front again).

Command :Skuad Ke-luar baris!

Timer: Turn check bang check left right left Oneida!

2)The following second video shows the "Bersurai" command.

Command : Squad watch your front se-dia!

Timer : Check Bang!

Command : Skuad Bersu-rai!

Timer : Turn Check Bang Check Up check down check

left right left Oneida!

3) This third video is part (1) of the sizing up command.

Command: Squad watch your front Se-dia!

Timer : Check! (Bang)

Command : Yang tinggi kekanan rendah kekiri dalam satu barisan pa-ras!

Timer : Turn Check Bang Check left right left Oneida!

(Arrange from shortest on the left and tallest on the right)

Timer : 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 squad diam!

Scouts Standard : Footdrills (1)

For Scouts Standard you will need to master the following Stationary Drills ,Commands and Timing.

1) Skuad Sedia - meaning Squad attention.
2) Senang diri - meaning Stand at ease.
3) Rehatkan diri - meaning Stand easy.

4) Skuad Ke-kanan Pu-sing - meaning Squad turn to face right.
5) Skuad Ke-kiri Pu - sing - meaning Squad turn to face left.
6) Skuad Ke-belakang Pu-sing - meaning Squad turn to face back. (turn from right hand side)

Here are the following videos for the commands as given by
Scouts SPL Martin Lim (2008-2009) for his friend from NCDCC Staff SGT Amos.
Practice it at home following the commands from the video.

1) Command : Skuad Sedia. Timer : Check! (Bang)
2) Command : Skuad Ke-kiri Pu-sing. Timer : Turn Check! (Bang)
3) Command : Skuad Ke-kanan Pu-sing. Timer : Turn Check! (Bang)
4) Command : Skuad Ke-Belakang Pu-sing. Timer : Turn Check! (Bang)
5) Command : Skuad Senang di-ri. Timer : Check! (Bang)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Scouts Standard Knots (1)

Here are some video lessons on the knots and lashings for your scout standard requirement.

Scouts Standard Knots:

1) Thumb Knot.
2) Figure of Eight Knot.
3) Reef Knot.
4) Sheet Bend.
5) Clove Hitch.
6) Round turn two half hitches.
7) Bowline.
8) SheepShank
9) Slipknot
10) Timber hitch.
11) Marlinspike knot.
12) Rolling Hitch.
13) Man Harness Hitch also known as Artillery Hitch.
14) Square Lashing.
15) Shear Lashing.

Video Lessons :

1) Thumb knot and 2) Figure of eight Knot.

3) Reef Knot, 4) Sheet Bend, 5) Clove Hitch, 6) Round turn and two half hitches and 7)Bowline

8) Sheepshank.

9) Slip Knot.

10) Timber Hitch

11) Marlinspike Knot.

12) Rolling Hitch.

13) Man Harness Hitch also known as Artillery Hitch.

14) Square Lashing.

15) Shear Lashing.

End of Scout Standards Knots.

Sec 1 : Badges and Uniform